Monday 18 March 2013

Why is different BAD?

No really.  Why?  This is some mysterious thing that I just don't understand.

Okay, actually I do have a little theory and it goes something like this:

Being normal often means ascribing to social norms.  This usually means that someone dresses and acts 'normally.'  I think that the ability to pick up on these social cues means that you will perhaps be good at picking up on other social cues (like behaving appropriately in social situations).  I have found an anecdotal correlation between looking kinda weird and acting kinda weird.  So, being different can perhaps make you a wild card in the sense that people may be unsure of what how you will act.  This brings me the a sociological paradigm called Symbolic Interactionism theorizes that our interactions are based on using and responding to symbols.  So, perhaps when someone is different they don't use or respond to the same cues we are used to and it makes us normal people (don't you love how I think I am normal?) unsure of how to act or respond and let's be honest, no one likes to feel unsure of her or himself.  This discomfort often leads to anger or even hate.

BAM.  Problem solved.  People who are different make us feel unsure of how to act or respond which makes us feel bad and therefore we turn this negative emotion back on the weirdo and blame them for being different.

Man people!  Open your hearts!  It is okay if you don't know how to act. Vive something!


1 comment:

  1. Sue, you are so wise! I missed you while you were taking a little break to collect your thoughts. Glad you're back.
