Monday 18 March 2013

Have we all gone crazy?

Why do we (as almost an entire specie) do so many things that make us unhappy?  Is it because
a) it is really REALLY hard to be happy
b) we don't know what will make us happy
c) we don't care if we are happy
d) we don't reflect on if we are happy.

For example:
I eat a million pounds of highly processed candy even though I know it is bad for me and in my heart I don't want it (yet even writing about it makes me wish I hadn't eaten everything bad in my house already today!).

I am awake right now typing this even though my eyes are super squinty from exhaustion and I know there is nothing in the world better for me then going to bed.

I watch super scary TV shows (often times out of boredom) even though they scare me and make me feel yucky.  ok, they're not that scary, but still.

Why do I do this stuff?  Am I crazy? Are YOU?

THE WORST though, is when you know what a perfectly happy beautiful life would look like, but you don't make it happen.

I'm gunna make it happen.  I'll let you know how it goes.


  1. Watch Season 1 of American Horror Story first. Deal?

  2. I think we have too many expectations of what happiness looks/feels/tastes/sounds/lives like. I bet if we really thought about it, we would only have 2-3 things on our list to make our own selves happy. The other 'stuff' is what other people are trying to tell us about happiness.
    For example, sleep is definitely good for you but staying up to blog and have time for you is probably what makes you happy!
