Tuesday 27 November 2012

What's your crazy?

I often lament how crazy certain people in my life are.  Please keep in mind that I am not exactly sure of the connotation of 'lament' and that I should probably just have said that I often THINK of how 'crazy' certain people in my life are.   I'm also pretty sure I should not be ending a sentence with ARE, but I just can't seem to work around it.  Lastly, I totally know that using 'crazy' as such is likely offensive to some.  Please understand that I don't use it to make fun of or minimize serious mental illness.

So really, my initial sentence should have read like this:

I often think about the mild to serious psychological problems of certain people in my life.

Ok, now that we have that straight, here goes.  After thinking about certain ESPECIALLY loved ones last night, I came to two realizations and two conclusions:

1.  The first is that we are all at least a little bit crazy.  At least.  All I mean to say is that we all have some issues that could perhaps be diagnosed by a psychologist or psychiatrist and would probably get better with pharmaceuticals or talk therapy.  I, for example, suffer from from an irrational fear that everyone is mad at me most of the time.  For example, when anyone honks, I am sure they are honking at me.  I also get extremely mad (and I mean mad) when I get tailgated because I know that means that the person tailgating me is unhappy with my speed which makes me really defensive and therefore leads to anger.  This, of course, creates a lot of anxiety.  Duh.

2.  Our parents did it to us.  Sometimes directly (like by always being mad at us, for example) or indirectly (by giving us angry genes).

1.  Not to get Jerry Springer on you or anything, but my first conclusion is that we should take it easy on ourselves, (pause) and each other.  The reality is that some of the things others do that drive us totally crazy are things that either they cannot help or that it would be VERY difficult for them to help.  AND, since you have your own crazy (that, just to review, cannot be helped without a lot of work) you should give yourself a break.  You deserve it

2. You're gunna make your kids crazy (it seems to be inevitable).  Just try not to make them too crazy!

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