Monday 19 November 2012

The good, the bad, and the I can't tell the difference

Before I get to the meat of things I think I should lay bare my soul.

Favourite Books: I'll Love You Forever, Possessing The Secret of Joy, the Vampire Diaries and the Secret Circle, Unless, Fall On Your Knees
Favourite TV Shows:  Sex and the City, Law and Order, The Wire, SYTYCD, Survivor
Favourite Albums/Artists: Anything Kellie or Melissa make me, Almost A Full Moon and any other Hawksley Workman album, Tuesday Night Music Club (Sheryl Crow), Gordon (Bare Naked Ladies), Michael Jackson, Bin Iver
*My Heart Is So Jetlegged is a song I like, but I don't know who it is by.  Amanda someone with some guy band I think. (Heart heart, heart is so jetlegged.  It is just plain catchy!)
Favourite Movies: The Princess Bride, Lord of the Rings the Fellowship of the Rings, Clueless, The Shawshank Redemption, Step Up 3 (and no I am not joking about that one)

So,  as you can probably tell, I have some good taste and some bad taste.  This I am perfectly aware of and will discuss the importance of this in a future post.  But what really concerns me is that sometimes I can't tell the difference! Like, sometimes I think something is good but then find out it actually isn't.  This is not the case with Monk. I'm sorry to anyone who liked it and to the writers and producers of the show (not Tony Shalhoub though because he actually did a pretty good job), but that show was awful!!  Just because I watched all eight seasons doesn't mean I didn't know how awful it was.

Once after a car ride with a friend during which a City and Colour album was playing in my car I told said friend that sometimes I don't know if certain music is cool, or if in fact I should be embarrassed for listening to it.  Her response?  "Like Dallas Green?"  Ouch.  Then she added, "Or Sarah McLaughlin?"  To which I wanted to respond, "Really?  Sarah isn't safe?  I know she isn't trendy, but I didn't know she is shameful!"

Basically, the point of this post is two fold:
1.  To make you aware of the questionable taste the Treatster (another nickname) has, and
2.  to...crap.  I can't remember the second one.  The sad thing is that I think the second one was more important and deeply poignant.

Oh well.   Perhaps I will end with a question.  Which of my likes from above do you think are in bad taste and why? I will respond to each comment to explain why all choices are actually awesome.


  1. Poor taste:
    Vampire Diaries
    The Secret Circle
    Step Up 3D

    Justify, Sue!

    1. Vampire Diaries and Secret Circle I will answer as one:
      First off, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? These books are amazing teen lit that is long (four books per series) and therefore allows for some intense character development. Hello?!? Damion really grows as a character. Also, although they deal with cliche topics such as friendship, love, betrayal, Vampires, and Witches, they are mostly about fighting for what you know is right, forgiveness, and STRONG FEMALE LEADS. What more could a 12 year old ask for?

      Survivor. I just don't know, ok? I don't even know why I love it. Although it has had something like 20 seasons, I have only watched three. Maybe the shine will wear off? Although they have 20ish seasons for a reason....

      Step Up 3d: Refuse to answer. If you are even questioning this it is simply because you haven't seen it. Your problem, not mine. Zip.

  2. Have you heard of Bin Iver's brother-band called Bon Iver? Way cooler than Bin Iver!

    1. Gosh darnit I should not have writing published in any capacity!!
