Monday 12 November 2012

Christmas Traditions

The first thing you should be asking yourself is what the heck is Susie (this is what my good friends call me) going to blog about when Christmas is over?  The answer?  I'm pretty sure I will be doing five posts less a week, but we'll see.

This one is short and simple.   I will share with you the best five Christmas traditions from my childhood, and I am hoping that then you will share your favourite traditions with me!!

Here they are:
1.  For some reason my mom never went with us to get the tree and my dad never helped decorate it.  What made going to get the tree with my dad so special is that every year my mom would give him about $40 for a tree and every year he would spend $80 to $100 to get the biggest, most beautiful tree he could.

2.  Every Christmas Eve we (my siblings and I) would beg and beg to open a present.  Everyone year my mom would eventually give in.  And every year the present she would let us open would be socks or underwear.  You would think we would stop asking!!

3.  When we were really little Santa would put our stocking right at the end of our beds.  I would wake up numerous times in the night to see if they were there.  Eventually when they were I would wake up my siblings and we would look through them together.  Then, at a somewhat reasonable time (6am) we would go into my parent's room and show them everything we got in our stockings before we opened presents.

4.   My family loves reading and music and every year for Christmas we would all get new tapes or CDs and books.  Christmas day was spent lounging in the living room reading our new books and cycling through the music.

5.  As we got older we would often get envelopes for Christmas with homemade coupons for things we had asked for like a new pair of jeans.  On Boxing Day my family would pile into the car and head to Kitchener to shop for the items from the coupons and then we would see a movie.

These memories may not sound like much, but just thinking about them warms me through and through.  Please (please) tell me about your favourite Christmas tradition(s)!  Feliz Navidad!


  1. - In our family, we always opened one present on Christmas Eve and it was always Christmas pyjamas.

    - We hosted a Chritmas Eve neighbourhood get together where 2 or 3 of my parent's neighbourhood friends and kids would come over. The kids would get crazy hyper in the basement while the parents drank Rusty Nails and Creme de Menthe upstairs.

    - My sister and I would always get a board game to play

    - I think one of John's fav traditions is the tangerine Santa left in the boot of his stocking

    1. We always got a clementine and an apple in the toe!! They immediately went right back in the fruit bowl, but I was outraged on year when Santa didn't leave them!
