Monday 12 November 2012

No, you're a boogermuncher!

Boogermuncher is the new gay, (or retard, or spaz).

Most things in life are up for argument.  One thing isn't.  Saying "That's so gay" equates homosexuality with the negative.  Um, duh.  I think I am preaching to the converted here (ok two things are not up for argument: Saying 'preaching to the converted' in a blog makes you sound 100), but here is what I think anyway:

In life we should all take the same pledge doctors do: Amicus resilidus matulra.  That means 'do no harm' in spanish.  I mean latin.  Ok, I made it up, but I know that it is some sort of pledge for docs.  Anyway, shouldn't we all live our lives like this?  Let's, as a people, try to stop hurting each other.  I think many people use gay (or retard) honestly thinking they are not hurting anyone.  Well newsflash boogermunchers, gay people are EVERYWHERE.  And if they aren't, their family, friends, or co-workers are.  The point?  You never know who you are hurting, and since I know you don't want to hurt anyone, just substitute boogermuncher in the place of gay or retard. Problem solved.  Tell a friend.

Next stop: World hunger.