Wednesday 31 October 2012

Why have a blog?

Ok, so I have been thinking.  First off, how many entries have started with the word 'ok?' Too many, I think.  So, as I said, I have been thinking about why I have this blog and if it is something I should continue.  Well, I have the blog for a hobby, to get myself thinking in depth about things, to connect with people, to celebrate JOYful things, to improve my proof reading (although not just yet) and hopefully to have some people challenge me on some of the things (or all of the things) I write about.

Writing the above paragraph made me realize that of COURSE I should continue.  I mean, look at all the really great reasons I listed!!  So, I have decided that I need to organize things a little and that from now on my posts will fall under one of five categories:

1.  Joyful things
2.  Books and movies I read or saw that you should or shouldn't see (category title still in the works)
3.  Femfabulous
4.  Thinky thinks
5.  I'm sure another category will appear

Please keep in mind that I may never figure out how to do this.  But, hey, anything is possible.


  1. Well, I for one have come to look forward to this blog as a part of my daily routine. In fact, when you miss a day, I miss reading you. You can add that to your list of reasons to write a blog.

  2. I believe anything under "Thinky thinks" should be broadcast world-wide.
