Sunday 28 October 2012

When is too early?

Ok, Ok.  I know I promised a super interesting post about ethnocentrism and stuff, but I really can't get IT outta my mind.  What is this IT that has me singing, hoping, planning, listing, dreaming, searching and waiting?  IT is a very special something that warms me through and through.  IT makes my heart sing and dance (seriously).  IT gets me thinking about all the people I love, and IT brings all those people together (at different times).  And IT also gets me thinking about all my favourite foods and of how fun it will be to make them.  Um, ya, IT also gets me thinking about myself and all the things I want.  IT gets me shopping and spending money on people who need nothing.  Ok, so if you don't know I'm talking about Christmas, then maybe you should find a new blog (oh, zip!).  Just joking.  Don't go, I need you!!  So, it is probably pretty obvious as well that my attempt to show the negatives of Christmas is weak at best.  So, here is:


I love EVERYTHING about it.  The things others hate like family gatherings that never work out and crowded malls?  Well, love those, too.  So, why is this blog-post-worthy?  I'm pretty sure it isn't.  But, the thing you have to know about me is that September and October are all about waiting for November 1st so that I can start Christmas stuff.  What 'Christmas Stuff' are we talking about?  Well, carols (of course), Christmas puzzles, Christmas movies (minimum one per week), Christmas baking (minimum one kind per week), Christmas shopping, and Christmas decorating.  I already have a my Christmas shopping list completed (although I am sure I will add more) and it has taken a lot of will power to not start buying just yet.  I know what I am making for Christmas dinner dessert (a pumpkin merengue pie with ginger snap crust) and every night consider all the options for Christmas dinner sides.

So, all I ask of you, my two followers, is that you tell me your favourite Christmas carol, your favourite Christmas movie and maybe even the best present you ever got!

Now, if Christmas is not for you because of family issues, money issues, or religious stuff, please know that for me Christmas is about one thing:  Joy.  Feeling it myself and sharing it with others.

So, Joy to the World, and let Christmas 2012 (almost) begin.


  1. Hello Ms. Treat! Long-time reader, first time commenter.

    Thrilled for your first Yuletide season with your own manger-babe. Also thrilled for you to come to our house for our first East End Christmas - we can listen to Santa Claus is Comin' to Town by the Pointer Sisters, watch Home Alone, and talk about the Christmas that Chris knit me the best-slash-worst scarf anyone has ever made.

    Also: I think you want Christmas 2012 to BEGIN.

  2. Also! You can change it so that we don't have to prove that we're not machines before we comment!

    It's possible. I once upon a time knew how to do it.

  3. I only think I know what you mean, but I'll have Sue's Treat to look into it.

  4. Little Drummer Boy.
    How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
    My iPod.

  5. Best pres ever, no contest, it'll likely never be surpassed: orig Nintendo. Sulked all Xmas day until I opened it. Biggest surprise of my life.

  6. I'll Be Home For Christmas
    Muppet Christmas Carole
    Playmobile, Playmobile, Playmobile (Lego sucks, Playmobile rules!)

    P.S. - Did you get the Pumpkin Meringe Pie with a Ginger Crust from Chatelaine?

  7. Um Yeah!! Looks good, hey? (I just can't help myself, HEY?)

  8. Cat Carol (totally kidding)
    A VERY Brady Christmas (sadly, not kidding. When everyone starts singing O Come All Ye Faithful and--spoiler alert--Mike Brady walks out of the rubble from the fallen building, it gets me every time)
    The original Nintendo was a pretty awesome gift that brought years of enjoyment; the Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer is a close second

  9. Is Cat Carol the one that goes, "Meow meow meow, meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow"?

  10. Well, that is a good one, but "Cat Carol" is the one where the cat dies protecting the mouse from the old; as a reward the cat is turned into a constellation.

  11. Not sure the title but the "three generations in the kitchen all at once" song on the Hawksley Workman album

    How the Grinch Stole Christmans (Spoiler Alert... YOU CAN'T!)


    Also, this post made me cry me a bit, but probably in a good way.
