Monday 29 October 2012

#7: The story of zip

So, it is a good thing I went back to re-read (and edit slightly) my first post, because it reminded me that I promised to tell you the story of how zip came into my vernacular.

My dear brother used to always say 'snap' if someone in our family made light hearted fun of someone else.  I am sure he did this with his friends as well, but I can't say for sure because I just wasn't there.  So, my brother would also accompany 'snap' by a hand gesture that mimed snapping a twig (or something) in half.   So, one day when my whole family was home for some reason, someone made a little jab at someone else to which my dad responded, "Oh, zip!" accompanied by a zipping hand motion. You see, he was copying my brother, but my dad just didn't get it right.  That was four or five years ago and since then 'zip' had been used almost daily by me and at least one friend.  It certainly isn't well on its way to common use, but is definitely overly used by me.  Adopt it if you wish.

1 comment:

  1. Some teenagers in Toronto, who were told the story of zip last February, have from time to time been heard zipping each other (though sadly without the hand action).
