Tuesday 23 October 2012

#3: Sue Who?

Although I had instituted a strict one post per day rule, I have had hundreds of requests to fill in my dedicated readers as to why I am using the pseudonym 'Sue Treat.'  To begin though, I should tell you why I feel the need to use a pseudonym in the first place.

I am a teacher and strongly believe that the personal lives of teachers should be inaccessible to students.  Not that I plan on having any followers, but I did not want a student to be able to simply Google my name and find this blog.  Not using my name means that I can truly say 'what I want, when I want' which is the whole dang purpose of this blog.

So, why Sue Treat you ask?  (Because you did ask.)  This may well be one of those things that was hilarious when it happened only, so be prepared.  As soon as I got the amazing idea to start a blog I messaged a friend to tell him.  I don't remember what I said exactly (although one day I will publish the entire conversation here for your reading pleasure), but I knew I wanted to use a pseudonym.  As you all know, I am a terrible speller, so when I attempted to spell pseudonym without much thought (because I really think I could have gotten it if only I had tried a little harder) it autocorrected to SUE TREAT.  Yep.  That's what happened.  So, I loved it because it sounds kinda like a name, AND, again, this will be no surprise to my nearest and dearest, I LOVE TREATS!!!  How perfect is that!?!  So, there is the story of Sue Treat, blogger extraordinaire.


  1. It is still hilarious. That is a great name for your blog.

  2. Although nothing could beat the name Sue Treat, I'd be interested to know the original pseudonym.
