Balance. Is this the impossible dream? Now, before I really get to the meat and potatoes of this post I simply must acknowledge that this problem (as I experience it) is one of privilege or luck or is a blessing depending on your point of view.
So here we go: I always feel like I can't do everything. The 'everything' in my life includes the following:
1. My Job
2. Maintaining a positive relationship with my husband
3. Meeting social obligations
4. Maintaining positive relationships with friends
5. Exercising
6. Making healthy homemade food
7. Being an awesome mom
8. Having FUN! (now, sometimes this can include any of 1 through 7)
What I have found, especially recently, is that the people in my life are struggling with the same problem. I know someone who does very well at 1, 2, 3 and 5 but not so well with 4 and 6, and this person really never seems to have fun. I know others who really struggle with 5 and 6. I think this is a common problem of people in and around my circle. It might be a problem with everyone, but since I don't know everyone I just can't say for sure.
This is not rocket science or new. Or a new type of rocket science. What is new to me about this struggle to find balance is that even though I cannot find balance, I harshly judge others when they cannot either. For example, I know a couple who is overweight. They never EVER exercise, they buy a lot of pre made foods, and they eat out a lot. But you wanna know something about these people? They are SUPER happy!! They have a great marriage (as far as I can tell), they love their kids, they are passionate about their jobs, they travel together and with their children.
The bottom line for me is that the most important thing in life is to be happy. If eating out or paying someone to make your food allows you to spend more time at your job and with your family, and this makes you happier, DO IT! If spending less time with family and friends so you can work out makes you happier, DO IT!! In short, (and I will say duh to this) DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY!! And maybe, just maybe, take it easy on others for not doing what makes YOU happy, because maybe what makes them happy is different.